PT Lab Technologi Indonesia is a design and fabrication firm founded by
Anggun Putra Utama in Bogor.
This firm is a broadening notion to what Labtech believes and does since
it began his entrepreneur debut in 2014. Until now the firm has been
evolving with the work of Laboratory Design & Layout , Laboratory
furniture, Chemical Storage system, and Biosafety cabinet ..
All of those works reveal a deep concern on reliable function without set functional & productivity values aside.
The key to this dedication is always listening to and asking the client in order to gather more information to understand and learn essential aspects of the regulation & user’s requirements and demands..
Lab Technologi Indonesia point of views on laboratory design concept
are 3 aspect Productivity, Functional and Regulation acceptances.
Therefore, Laboratory Design works are not merely buildings, but also a
responsive attitude toward its context..
“ We design your Dream ( Laboratory ) “.
PT LAB Technologi Indonesia give an integrated solution for your laboratory needs, Consist of Consulting and Planning, Optimize design
and layout, Fabrication, Installation, Maintenance, Relocation, and Improvement Renovation.